The Nutcracker Suite is one of the most beloved of all Christmas performances. The tale of a child’s Christmas Eve dream, set to Tchaikovsky’s extraordinary musical score, has stood the test of time and is enjoyed by countless people in ballets or musical performances every year.
How can you bring a bit of the Nutcracker into your home bar? One way is through one of these whimsical vineyard nutcracker characters, such as the Hollywood Wine Nutcracker, the Wooden Wine Grower Nutcracker
, or the Wooden Winemaker Nutcracker
. Standing alert and ready to serve you (fake) wine these nutcrackers will fit in nicely with any other nutcracker figures you may have in your house, especially around the bar.
If you aren’t able to get to the ballet this holiday season, feel free to pour yourself a glass of wine (or make a martini), crank up the Tchaikovsky, take a seat next to a “bartender” Nutcracker, and think sweet thoughts about the Mouse King, gingerbread soldiers, and sugar plum fairies!